Wartime Collectables Military Antiques

Andrew H. & Gale V. Lipps
P.O. Box 165
Camden, SC 29021-0165

Email wartime@wartimecollectables.com
ph. 803-463-6935
(It is much easier to reach us via email!)

RIP Mike Horetsky; good heart, good humor, good man.

German tin toys
Amazing workmanship!

Lineol Panzer light tank from the late 30's-WWII

I found these two great photo's in a Luftwaffe officer's photo album!

Tippco Panzer with Elastolin Panzer Grenadiers, late 30's

Hausser 1930's halftrack with soldier and 88 cannon
A classic WWII German toy

WWII Lineol Panzerspahwagen
with pellet shooting cannon & electric headlights.

Gescha 1930's - WWII tank with 116th Panzer Division "Der Wind Hund" unit marking!

WWII Occupation German troop transport by Hausser
Similar construction to the wartime toys but with US troops for sale to G.I.'s at the end of WWII.  These toys were hand painted and I can only assume the 'artwork' on the back of the uniforms is some frau's interpretation of what she saw on U.S. airman's jackets.

WWII German 88, Factory model?  This heavy and well detailed model of the German 88 if functioning, unmarked, and all steel. I do not know it's history but it is extremely well made and I wonder if it is a production model of some type.  If you know anything about it, please email me!  It is shown here with some 7cm German toy soldiers for scale.

German composition toys; realism and quality.

Pre-WWI German composition and wood castle "fort".  In this display it is defended by 1930's Elastolin knights!
Follow this link to a great article on toy forts!

I have been hooked on toy soldiers since the day a man walked into my shop with a biscuit tin from his Grandmother that contained a DJ armband, a copy of Mein Kampf, and a handful of Elastolin toy soldiers.  Quite the time capsule!

IIIrd Reich composition 'personality' figures
Child's toys of the era made by Elastolin and Lineol in composition.
Represented here are various poses of Hitler and his fellows...Goring, Goebbles, Hess, and foreign leaders Franco and Mussolini.  A chilling look into a child's toybox.

An army of German flagbearers
Elastolin, Lineol & more, I've always been fascinated by these fella's!

The wehrmacht at war!

Britains' and other hollowcast lead, the cornerstone of toy soldiers and toy soldier collecting.

Boxed sets of Britains Regiments of all Nations American Civil War soldiers guard these Civil War weapons!

TIMPO Arctic Series
Long a fan of reading about Erichsen, The Franklin, Peary, and Byrd; I had to keep this great set!

I love the trains!
