Wartime Collectables Military Antiques

Andrew H. & Gale V. Lipps
P.O. Box 165
Camden, SC 29021-0165

Email wartime@wartimecollectables.com
ph. 803-463-6935
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Militaria for Sale!  New items added 7/23/15
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OSS Detachment 101 bar
Scarce US made original with proper silver soldered fittings and clear incised STERLING mark on a diecast badge.  This was a duplicate from a group in the hands of another collector and some biographical info on the veteran follows the images..  Les Hughes notes that these bars were given by the OSS as awards to the Kachins and apparently also taken by American’s serving with the OSS unit.
More on the Detachment 101 at these links!
Les Hughes
Veterans webpage